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SD & SR approach - Zallaf

(SR) Standards

Zallaf Social Responsibility (SR) standards always control or/and illuminate any potential Social Responsibility (SR) Risks/Impacts pertinent to Zallaf’s Business/Operations/Projects, and always resource Zallaf’s SR staff to carry out their SR duties efficiently.

Our standards always report Zallaf’s SR/CSR activities and any data to Zallaf’s leadership, the NOC (HSE/SD Departments) and to any Libyan regulatory bodies, and always assess SR Risks

“Impact Assessment covering social aspects”

And manage them during operations and projects’ lifecycle; Our approach always consider Zallaf’s operations social impacts on communities/stakeholders in Zallaf’s business decisions, always ensure continuous and respectful engagement with communities/stakeholders throughout Zallaf business and project lifecycles, and always minimize operational negative impacts and maximize positive impacts sustainably.

Our Mission

Our Mission is to develop, scale-up and promote exploration and production operations “technology-and-community based” solutions to challenges arising from the impact of energy operations on local communities and the environment in a sustainable manner, that is: safely, efficiently, responsibly, and profitably build and operate a world class explorations and production operations and complex in project locality/s.

Our Vision

our vision is to see SD/SR/CSR development challenges successfully tackled and implemented through the joint engagement of business and society.

Our Objectives

  • To establish Zallaf’s overall SD/SR objective, which is, to create “positive presence and legacy in the communities and societies where we operate”.
  • To engage with local communities during exploration, production and operation to seek feedback on effectiveness of mitigation measures and emerging issues and gain community acceptance.
  • To support the delivery of our mandatory HSE/SD/SR/CSR requirements.
  • To minimize our business negative impacts and maximize positive impacts sustainably.
  • To meet international best practice standards to comply with the Libyan and international relevant laws.
  • To carry out social responsibility (SR) activities throughout our business gates.
  • To run and implement a successful corporate social responsibility (CSR) programme aligned with local community needs whilst managing community perceptions, expectations and meeting Zallaf 2018-2020 Strategy and Vision – leveraging our “Community Outreach Programme” (COP) and our NOC relationship and support.

Our Principles

  • To maximize Benefits to Society (We aim to maximize our CSR returns in relation to the pursuit of our mission and vision).
  • Independence (Our activities will always be consistent with achieving the mission of Zallaf).
  • Leveraging the NOC resources to deliver maximum social value.
  • Compliance with all laws/regulations applicable to us as a registered company.
  • Sustainable Development (We commit to contribute to sustainable development and CSR to do this primarily through our main programs and activities.
  • Integrity (We insist on honesty, integrity and fairness in all aspects of our activities).
  • Health, Safety and the Environment (HSE) (We will not support any CSR activity by any partner and contractors that cannot demonstrate, as a minimum, compliance with relevant national and NOC’s (HSE) regulations and standards).
  • Political Activity (We act in a socially responsible manner within the laws of Libya in which we operate in pursuit of our SR/CSR objectives “remain neutral”).
  • Communication, Engagement and Assurance (We recognize regular dialogue and engagement with our stakeholders is essential to the development, implementation and ultimate success of our activities).

What makes us different?

  • Application of our intended “technology and community-based” approach to developing these solutions.
  • Applying market principles and “Business-DNA” – business thinking, models and disciplines – to work out how to tackle local development challenges and issues.
  • Our model includes working with international/local partners, contractors and communities committing funds for corporate social responsibility (CSR) activities, and where appropriate, leveraging the value-creating resources – the knowledge, brand and infrastructure – of Zallaf.
Zallaf Libya

Contact info

Sabha (Main) Office
Tripoli Office
Floor 22, Tripoli Tower, Tripoli, Libya
+218 21 3660810 ext. 2000 – 1010

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