About Zallaf
عن زلاف

Husain Ali Abuseliana
He obtained a Bachelor’s degree in Petroleum Engineering from the University of Tripoli in 1994, and a Master’s degree in Petroleum Technology from Teesside University, UK, in 2007.
He joined Agip Oil Company Limited – Libya Branch (Currently Mellitah Oil and Gas) in 1997. He rose in the company’s career ladder until he was appointed General Manager of Operations in 2013, and Chairman of the Management Committee from (2015-2020). In the period in which he took over Chairmanship of the Management Committee of Mellitah Oil and Gas Company. Several important projects have been accomplished for the company and the sector. The most important of which are: the project to construct the Gaza floating tank in the Al-Buri offshore field and bring it into service. The implementation of a project to drill and connect 10 wells in the Bahr al-Salam field (Bahr al-Salam project). He was involved in the installation of a gas pressure station in the Wafa field, a project to connect 9 wells to production in the Wafa field as well as the completion of the project of surface facilities for low pressure wells in the Abu Atfal field, and a project to raise the carrying capacity of the Sabratha platform.
In the year 2020, he was assigned the position of Chairman of the Management Committee of the Zallaf Oil and Gas Exploration and Production Company, owned by the National Oil Corporation.

Eng. Mussa Altayeb
He graduated from Wigan and Leigh College in 2002 in the UK, Electrical and Electronic Engineering faculty. have worked for Waha Oil Company from 1995 to 2007. Throughout his career, he managed to possess a broad knowledge of the operation and maintenance of oil and gas plants and field experience, which involved the performance of maintenance repair, inspection, and overhauling of oil and gas plants, including machinery, for more than 12 years to ensure continuous production and minimize downtime possible.
He Joined the Major Project Department for Waha in 2013, where multi-billion projects are executed and engaged in implementing I&C engineering requirements on major and minor upstream oil and gas projects as per international standards, codes, and project scope of work. In addition, he followed up the project life cycle, starting from basic engineering (FEED) to detailed engineering (EPC), including the development of complete detailed design and installation packages and support of field construction and operating phase. Also acted as project manager for gas gathering system.
It’s worth mentioning that he has participated in numerous training programs, both local and overseas throughout his professional career in a variety of fields, from management to technical aspects.

Said M. Elmadani El Hoderi
Born in the city of Sebha, he holds a bachelor’s degree in industrial and systems engineering from Ohio University in the United States of America, as well as a certificate in entrepreneurship development from the MIT Institute.
Started his work atthe Iron and Steel Complex in Misurata. A few years later, he moved to work at the National Oil Corporation in the Oil Processing Department, and his first task was to work on the Sabha Refinery Project.
The second stop in his professional career was his selection as part of the team that worked with the global consultant (Monitor Group) to prepare the long-term social economic strategy, among whose recommendations was the establishment of the National Economic Development Board, where he was part of the founding team, through which he supervised the implementation of many development initiatives.
He returned to the oil sector by decision of the Minister of Oil appointing him as the General Manager of Studies and Economic Research. Then named by NOC Chairman as a Committee member of Zallaf.

Ramadan Mohamed Ebouda
Services and Logistics
He began his career in the field of oil and gas in 1995 in the Sirte Oil and Gas Production and Processing Company, in the Accounting Department/Budget Control/Asset Coordination, Production and Insurance. On the method of preparing and submitting reports and effective participation in preparing budgets, as well as entrusted with many tasks such as the annual inventory, follow-up of large projects under implementation, and taking many internal and external training programs in advanced accounting and courses related to the English language from the fifth level to the first level at the Sirte Training Center. In addition to other certificates such as (Pitman), (ILEST), and continued for 15 years working in the Sirte company.
He joined the Libyan-Norwegian Fertilizer Company (LIFCO) in 2009 as a budget coordinator and was one of its founders with regard to the financial system. And after a short period, he was entrusted with the tasks of the financial controller in Lifeco, as well as the head of the Urea Distribution Committee and the monitoring and supervision of the company’s subscription prices with the global market to determine the price of gas and the price of the urea and ammonia product according to the agreements concluded with the foreign partner and communication with the National Oil Corporation in this regard, as well as entrusted He has the duties of the acting director of the financial management in the company in the event of the departure of the official director, and among the tasks in which he had the most prominent role was the general official and head of the financial management team in relation to the installation of the ERP organization (SYSPRO) from the beginning, and he had a great role and active participation in its operation and work.
In May 2019, he joined Zallaf Libya as a member of the Management Committee for Finance, Human Resources and Public Services to contribute to the establishment of modern digital financial systems such as the SAP system as a general officer of SAP Sponsor, and a member of the steering committee for the installation and operation of the system from a financial point of view, as well as the general responsible for the human resources and payroll system in the company. His contribution to the creation of SuccessFactors has been fascinating since he was a key player to its activation. It is now working, starting with the introduction of the worksheet through the user after getting the approval by the direct manager, to the end of entering the salary entry in the accounts system, and the use of old paper fees has been completely dispensed with SuccessFactors system linked to the S4Hana system, and now the system is operating from August ( GO-LIVE).
Moreover, he was responsible for preparing the company’s systems and regulations for managing human resources, collaborating and approving some of their work. Also, he is responsible for the Training and Development Department, which appears effective and distinctive in Zallaf Company. His main contribution include helping all technical departments achieve their strategic objectives set by the management committee.

Isam Shibani
Development and Production Geoscientist.
BSC degree in petroleum engineering, Faculty of Petroleum Technologies, Sirte University (Bright Star) El-brega, Libya 1996 – 2001.
After one year of training program with NOC in 2004, I joined Repsol Oil Operations Co (Currently Akakus Oil Operations) in 2005.
I worked as Drilling & Work over Supervisor in fields between 2005 -2013, managing and supervising Rig operations in daily basis and ensure all activities are executing as planned.
Assigned to work as Drilling & Work over Engineer in Tripoli Office between 2013 -2017, Preparing drilling & Work over programs, well planning and cost estimate.
In Dec 2017 I was delegated to Zallaf Oil&Gas, worked in Exploration & Production till 2019, reviewing and evaluating exploration/appraisal wells data, Preparing Scope of Work related to drilling services, ITT packages for Rig contractors, Wellheads, drilling fluids and cement design. forecasting Long Lead Items and budget for Zallaf drilling projects.
Between 2019 – 2022, drilling & workover department was established, as drilling & Workover Coordinator I was Involved in Planning, Engineering and supervision on operation & activities.
Involved in PQ and CFT process, contributed to the preparation and start of the first drilling operations in Zallaf Oil&Gas fields (Chadar, Erawin & Atshan).
As drilling & Work over manger, prepare drilling & Work over plan & strategy and build up drilling department Organization chart, following closely activities and ensure all planned objectives are achieved safely, give full support on new technologies utilization & implementation. Strongly recommend on conducting training and development programs for department’s staff at all levels and follow-up periodically, as well as worked as a member in Zallaf main tender committee

Khalifa Rajab Abdulsadek
Dr. Khalifa Abdulsadek is a Senior Petroleum Engineer with more than 20 years’ diversified national and international oil and gas experience with a focus on the Middle East & North Africa (MENA) and North America. Dr. Abdulsadek’s wide experience includes reservoir engineering, field development planning, field operations, strategic planning and business development. He has participated in several high-profile oil and gas development projects in the MENA region and in North America.
He was the Chairman of the Management Committee of Zallaf Libya Oil and Gas, a newly established, 100% NOC-owned energy company in Libya. He is also the Chairman of the Owners’ Management Committee of Waha Oil Company also in Libya.
Between 2015 and 2017, he taught Petroleum Engineering courses in the Chemical and Petroleum Engineering Department at the University of Calgary in Alberta, Canada.
Previously, he worked for Repsol Oil Operations in Libya, Repsol in Spain and with Talisman Energy in Canada.
Dr. Abdulsadek holds a B.Sc. degree in Petroleum Engineering from Tripoli University, Libya and a PhD degree in Petroleum Engineering from Heriot-Watt University, Scotland, UK